Sambethe Moon Baths

Spiritually Speaking

On a Country trip, a discussion amongst friends, on the Pantheon attached to each culture, had me
thinking. Why does every belief system, but Christianity, have a Pantheon of Deities? Is that entirely
correct though. Let us dissect this topic.

The bible mentions seven Arch Angels. Four of those we know to be Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and
Uriel. El means God in Hebrew.
Micha in Hebrew means Who is of
Rapha in Hebrew means Healer
Gabri in Hebrew means Strength
Uri in Hebrew means Light

We have already established that El means God.

Each Angel represents an attribute, energy force, nature of God/Source. The word Deity in fact means
Divine Nature.

In the case of Yoruba, the Pantheon of Gods are the Orishas each Orisha represents a
quality/nature/characteristic/aspect of Oludamare (their Supreme Being). Similarly, the pantheon in
Hinduism are aspects of Brahma.

Much like the energy of source is the same amongst cultures despite the variation in name, I believe
that the Pantheon are also the same energy forces.

Please don’t nail me to the cross, but I humbly suggest that Christianity does indeed have a Pantheon. I
also suggest that the reluctance to draw a comparison between the Arch Angels and a Pantheon such as
the Orishas, is as a result of our limited and draconian views of indigenous practices. This prejudice,
encourages separation.

Food for thought, these are just some silly views. Hopefully it at least provoked thought.

Cheers to living in love, light and oneness.