Sambethe Moon Baths

Spiritually Speaking

I know this heading sounds like the title of some scary movie, but, to some, ‘The Calling’ is spooky.  Much of this fright has to do with how we are socialized and the taboo nature of spirituality.

What is the calling?  I will spare you the detailed explanation about the kundalini rising blah blah blah, because I skipped that class and many other practitioners on the internet can explain far better than I, but, ’the calling’ is clock set to wake you up.  Whether predetermined, or dependent on the stage of spiritual evolution you are at, the calling is loud.

Welllllllll at first it aint so loud.  The Universe starts with polite invitations, like synchronicities or subtle suggestions to do better, be better.  You may start seeing 11:11 or some other number sequence often, or you may start meeting fellow light minded, like journeyed people.  Some get the universes hints quickly, and willingly board the train of ascension.  Then you have those like me, who ignore the invitation, or say no sireee, not me, not today. This is when the alarm clock gets LOUD.

As you awaken, you may experience:

1.       Headaches
2.       Aches and pains in your body
3.       Heat.  You may feel heat rising from your legs going up your spine
4.       Tingles and vibrations in some areas of your body or all over
5.       Vivid, lucid and prophetic dreams.
6.       Dreams about water, living underwater or/and dreams about flying or ascending
7.       Ear buzzing, ringing, popping and radio frequencies
8.       Dizziness and/or vertigo
9.       Skin rashes
10.   Heart palpitations
11.   The body rejecting certain foods, cosmetic products and lifestyles .
12.   Seeing shadows, orbs, flashes of lights
13.   flu like symptoms
14.   Changes in hair texture

This list is not exhaustive and the amount and severity of the symptoms may vary.  If you are experiencing 5 or more of these symptoms, see a Medical Practitioner, (lol), I believe western medicine has a place.  If you have received a clean bill of health,  it is time to see a Spiritual Practioner.  You may be experiencing ‘The Calling’.